1. Write a class called RestaurantCheck. It should have the following: (use OOPs concepts) • Fields called check_number, sales_tax_percent, subtotal, table_number, and server_name representing an identification for the check, the bill without tax added, the sales tax percentage, the table number, and the name of the server. • A constructor that sets the values of all four fields • A method called calculate_total that takes no arguments (besides self) and returns the total bill including sales tax. • A method called print_check that writes to a file called check###.txt, where ### is the check number and writes information about the check to that file, formatted like below: Check Number: 443 Sales tax: 6.0% Subtotal: $23.14 Total: $24.53 Table Number: 17 Server: Sonic the Hedgehog Test the class by creating a RestaurantCheck object and calling the print_check() method. 2. Write a Regular Expression Python function to Validate Phone No, (Must be 10 digits) Name, (first Char must be uppercase) E-Mail, (abc@abc.com) Date .(DD-MM-YYYY)