import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import math
import warnings
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
data_import = pd.read_csv('RealEstateAU_1000_Samples.csv')
index | TID | breadcrumb | category_name | property_type | building_size | land_size | preferred_size | open_date | listing_agency | ... | state | zip_code | phone | latitude | longitude | product_depth | bedroom_count | bathroom_count | parking_count | RunDate | |
0 | 0 | 1350988 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | House | NaN | NaN | NaN | Added 2 hours ago | Professionals - DARWIN CITY | ... | NT | 800 | 08 8941 8289 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
1 | 1 | 1350989 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | Apartment | 171m² | NaN | 171m² | Added 7 hours ago | Nick Mousellis Real Estate - Eview Group Member | ... | NT | 800 | 0411724000 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
2 | 2 | 1350990 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | Unit | NaN | NaN | NaN | Added 22 hours ago | Habitat Real Estate - THE GARDENS | ... | NT | 800 | 08 8981 0080 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
3 | 3 | 1350991 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | House | NaN | NaN | NaN | Added yesterday | Ray White - NIGHTCLIFF | ... | NT | 800 | 08 8982 2403 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
4 | 4 | 1350992 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | Unit | 201m² | NaN | 201m² | Added yesterday | Carol Need Real Estate - Fannie Bay | ... | NT | 800 | 0418885966 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
5 rows × 27 columns
Index(['index', 'TID', 'breadcrumb', 'category_name', 'property_type', 'building_size', 'land_size', 'preferred_size', 'open_date', 'listing_agency', 'price', 'location_number', 'location_type', 'location_name', 'address', 'address_1', 'city', 'state', 'zip_code', 'phone', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'product_depth', 'bedroom_count', 'bathroom_count', 'parking_count', 'RunDate'], dtype='object')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999 Data columns (total 27 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 index 1000 non-null int64 1 TID 1000 non-null int64 2 breadcrumb 1000 non-null object 3 category_name 1000 non-null object 4 property_type 1000 non-null object 5 building_size 280 non-null object 6 land_size 533 non-null object 7 preferred_size 609 non-null object 8 open_date 302 non-null object 9 listing_agency 1000 non-null object 10 price 1000 non-null object 11 location_number 1000 non-null int64 12 location_type 1000 non-null object 13 location_name 1000 non-null object 14 address 988 non-null object 15 address_1 988 non-null object 16 city 1000 non-null object 17 state 1000 non-null object 18 zip_code 1000 non-null int64 19 phone 1000 non-null object 20 latitude 0 non-null float64 21 longitude 0 non-null float64 22 product_depth 1000 non-null object 23 bedroom_count 967 non-null float64 24 bathroom_count 967 non-null float64 25 parking_count 967 non-null float64 26 RunDate 1000 non-null object dtypes: float64(5), int64(4), object(18) memory usage: 211.1+ KB
model_df = data_import.drop(['index','TID','breadcrumb','category_name','open_date','listing_agency','location_number','location_type','address','address_1','zip_code','phone','latitude','longitude','building_size','location_name','state'], axis = 1)
property_type | land_size | preferred_size | price | city | product_depth | bedroom_count | bathroom_count | parking_count | RunDate | |
0 | House | NaN | NaN | $435,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
1 | Apartment | NaN | 171m² | Offers Over $320,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
2 | Unit | NaN | NaN | $310,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
3 | House | NaN | NaN | $259,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
4 | Unit | NaN | 201m² | $439,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999 Data columns (total 10 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 property_type 1000 non-null object 1 land_size 533 non-null object 2 preferred_size 609 non-null object 3 price 1000 non-null object 4 city 1000 non-null object 5 product_depth 1000 non-null object 6 bedroom_count 967 non-null float64 7 bathroom_count 967 non-null float64 8 parking_count 967 non-null float64 9 RunDate 1000 non-null object dtypes: float64(3), object(7) memory usage: 78.2+ KB
model_df['RunDate'] = pd.to_datetime(model_df['RunDate'])
model_df.set_index('RunDate',inplace = True)
property_type | land_size | preferred_size | price | city | product_depth | bedroom_count | bathroom_count | parking_count | |
RunDate | |||||||||
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | House | NaN | NaN | $435,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | Apartment | NaN | 171m² | Offers Over $320,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | Unit | NaN | NaN | $310,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | House | NaN | NaN | $259,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | Unit | NaN | 201m² | $439,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
def duplicated_func(df):
print(f"Total number of duplicated rows in the data are: {df.duplicated().sum()}")
Total number of duplicated rows in the data are: 108
df = model_df.drop_duplicates(keep = 'first')
Total number of duplicated rows in the data are: 0
property_type 0 land_size 467 preferred_size 391 price 0 city 0 product_depth 0 bedroom_count 33 bathroom_count 33 parking_count 33 dtype: int64
def missing_vals(df):
for i in df :
if df[i].isnull().sum() > 0 :
print(f"{i} : {df[i].isnull().sum()} missing values out of {len(df[i])}")
land_size : 391 missing values out of 892 preferred_size : 331 missing values out of 892 bedroom_count : 30 missing values out of 892 bathroom_count : 30 missing values out of 892 parking_count : 30 missing values out of 892
categorical = df.select_dtypes(include = "object").columns
list_of_colums = list(df.columns)
Index(['property_type', 'land_size', 'preferred_size', 'price', 'city', 'product_depth'], dtype='object')
df1 = df.copy()
land_size_mode = df1['land_size'].mode()[0]
df1['land_size'].fillna(land_size_mode, inplace = True)
preferred_size_mode = df1['preferred_size'].mode()[0]
df1['preferred_size'].fillna(preferred_size_mode, inplace = True)
bedroom_count_mode = df1['bedroom_count'].mode()[0]
df1['bedroom_count'].fillna(bedroom_count_mode , inplace = True)
bathroom_count_mode = df1['bathroom_count'].mode()[0]
df1['bathroom_count'].fillna(bathroom_count_mode , inplace = True)
parking_count_mode = df1['parking_count'].mode()[0]
df1['parking_count'].fillna(parking_count_mode , inplace = True)
property_type | land_size | preferred_size | price | city | product_depth | bedroom_count | bathroom_count | parking_count | |
RunDate | |||||||||
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | House | 2.02ha | 2.02ha | $435,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | Apartment | 2.02ha | 171m² | Offers Over $320,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | Unit | 2.02ha | 2.02ha | $310,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | House | 2.02ha | 2.02ha | $259,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | Unit | 2.02ha | 201m² | $439,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
import glob
import subprocess
import os
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
import re
import ntpath
def convert_ha_to_sqm_for_land_size(df):
modified_values = []
for i in df['land_size']:
if 'ha' in i:
ha = float(i.strip('ha'))
modified_values.append(ha * 10000)
sq_num = re.findall(r'\d+',i)
joined_sq_num = "".join(sq_num)
return modified_values
df1['land_size'] = convert_ha_to_sqm_for_land_size(df1)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [37], in <cell line: 26>() 21 modified_values.append(joined_sq_num) 24 return modified_values ---> 26 df1['land_size'] = convert_ha_to_sqm_for_land_size(df1) Input In [37], in convert_ha_to_sqm_for_land_size(df) 11 modified_values = [] 13 for i in df['land_size']: ---> 14 if 'ha' in i: 15 ha = float(i.strip('ha')) 16 modified_values.append(ha * 10000) TypeError: argument of type 'float' is not iterable
def convert_ha_to_sqm_for_preferred_size(df):
modified_values = []
for i in df['preferred_size']:
if 'ha' in i:
ha = float(i.strip('ha'))
modified_values.append(ha * 10000)
sq_num = re.findall(r'\d+',i)
joined_sq_num = "".join(sq_num)
return modified_values
df1['preferred_size'] = convert_ha_to_sqm_for_preferred_size(df1)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [41], in <cell line: 17>() 12 modified_values.append(joined_sq_num) 15 return modified_values ---> 17 df1['preferred_size'] = convert_ha_to_sqm_for_preferred_size(df1) Input In [41], in convert_ha_to_sqm_for_preferred_size(df) 2 modified_values = [] 4 for i in df['preferred_size']: ----> 5 if 'ha' in i: 6 ha = float(i.strip('ha')) 7 modified_values.append(ha * 10000) TypeError: argument of type 'float' is not iterable
df1['preferred_size'] = pd.to_numeric(df1['preferred_size'])
df1['land_size'] = pd.to_numeric(df1['land_size'])
property_type | land_size | preferred_size | price | city | product_depth | bedroom_count | bathroom_count | parking_count | |
RunDate | |||||||||
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | House | 20200.0 | 20200.0 | $435,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | Apartment | 20200.0 | 171.0 | Offers Over $320,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | Unit | 20200.0 | 20200.0 | $310,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | House | 20200.0 | 20200.0 | $259,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | Unit | 20200.0 | 201.0 | $439,000 | Darwin City | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
property_type object land_size float64 preferred_size float64 price object city object product_depth object bedroom_count float64 bathroom_count float64 parking_count float64 dtype: object
array(['$435,000', 'Offers Over $320,000', '$310,000', '$259,000', '$439,000', '$825,000', '$820,000', '$369 000', '$455,000', '$280,000', 'Openn Negotiation', 'PRICE GUIDE $439,000', '$775,000', '$625,000', 'Overs Over $599,000 Considered', '$490,000', '$337,500', 'FASTRAK', 'UNDER CONTRACT', 'Offers Over $440,000', '$640,000', '$500,000', '$305,000 +', '$295,000 +', '$795,000', 'Offers Over $950,000', 'Offers Over $485,000', '$250,000', '$549,000', 'Offers over $299,000', '$395,000', '$475,000', 'Contact Agent', 'OFFERS INVITED', '$465,000', 'Current Bid $600,000', 'Offers Over $980,000', '$1,050,000', 'UNDER CONTRACT... MORE PROPERTIES WANTED', '$450,000', '$749,000', '$289,000', 'Offers over $565,000', '$399,000', 'Offers over $469,000', '$649,000', 'Offers Over $499,000 Considered', '$400,000', 'Offers Over $800,000', '$299,000', '$580,000', 'Offers Over $375,000', '$489,000', 'OFFERS OVER $195,000', '$505,000', '$325,000', '$539,000 negotiable', '$180,000', '$145,000', '$215,000', '$865,000', '$369,000', '$350,000', 'Offers over $539,000', '$209,000 Negoticate', '$420,000', '$510,000', '$535,000', '$335,000', 'Penthouse for $850,000', 'Needs to GO! $510,000', '$1,300,000', 'Offers Over $580,000', '$470,000', '$519,000', '$219,000', '$235,000 negotiable', '$315,000', 'Offers over $450,000', 'Negotiable', '$380,000', '$275,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $1,070,000', '$270,000', '$1,100,000', 'CONTACT AGENT', 'Price Guide $550,000', 'Offers over $868,000', '$539,000', 'From $165,000', 'Offers Over: $130,000', '$589,000', 'Offers over $360,000', 'Offers over $430,000', 'Offers over $839,000', '$147 000', 'PRICE GUIDE $795,000', 'Offers Over $430,000', 'Open to offers!', '$555,000 Furnished Pool ,Gym LEASED: $640 per week', 'Offers over $529,000', '$460,000', '$195,000', 'Offers above $479,000', '$295,000', '$370,000 ono', 'Motivated Seller- Offers over $475,000', 'Offers over $520,000', '$449,000', '$525,000', 'Offers over $500,000', 'New Price $595,000', 'Offers Over $190,000', 'Under iContract', 'Negotiable Above 1.5M', '$235,000+', '$389,000.00', '$370,000', '$1,950,000', '$175,000', '$520,000 O.N.O', '$329,000', 'Offers above $559,000', 'Expressions of Interest', '$279,000', 'From $500,000', '$1,250,000', '$800,000', '$280,000 to$300,000', 'Invest Now $455,000', '$450,000 ONO', '$685,000', '$429,000', '$559,000', '$210,000', '$200,000-$250,000', 'Offers over $300,000', '$499,000', 'P.O.A.', '$480,000', 'Awaiting Price Guide', '$440,000', '$200,000 - $220,000', 'offers over $399,000', '$430,000', '$99,950', '$900,000 negotiable', 'Price reduction! $895,000!', '$990,000', 'OFFERS OVER $610,000', '$1,199,000', 'Offers Over $665,000 Considered', 'PRICE GUIDE $575,000', 'Bidding from 700k', 'Bidding from $550,000', 'AUCTION', 'Offers over $1,200,000', 'FOR SALE', 'Offers over $365,000', 'OFFERS OVER $700,000', 'Offers Over: 565000', '$419,000', 'OFFERS OVER $330,000', '$560,000', '$460,000 +', 'PRICE GUIDE $290,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $570,000', '$569,000', '$739,000', 'Offers Over $399,000', 'Auction', '$599,000', '$660,000', 'Offers over $800,000', '$880,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $540,000', 'Offers Over $399,000 Considered', 'OFFERS OVER $370,000', 'Offers Over $500,000 - Offers by 6.30pm 22/6/22', 'OVER $450,000', 'Offers Over $470,000', '$612,300', '$592,000', '$614,000', '$218,000', '$255,000', '$425,000', '$779,000', '$850,000', 'Offers under $340,000', '$570,000', 'Offers Over $285,000', '$470,000 Negotiable', 'Under Offer', '$365,000', '$420,000 +', 'Price guide-$275,000-$325,000', '$269,000', '$750,000', 'Offers above $285,000', 'Expression of Interest', 'UNDER OFFER', '$579,000', 'Expressions Of Interest', 'PRICE GUIDE $530,000', 'JUST LIKE THAT: UNDER CONTRACT IN 5 DAYS', 'PRICE GUIDE $750,000', '$535,000 +', '$629,000', '$275,000 +', 'PROPERTY PREVIEW', 'Offers Over $550,000', '$639,000', 'Offers over $650,000', 'Under Contract', '$385,000', '$550,000', 'Offers over $549,000', 'Offer Over $300,000', '$387,000', '$590,000', 'Offers over $489,000', 'Offers over $569,000', 'Offers Over $435,000 Considered', '$1,650,000', '$293,000', '$495,000', '$875,000 negotiable', 'Auction Action', '$240,000', 'Price Guide $570,000', 'Offers over $685,000', 'Offers over $635,000', 'Auction - Bidding from $700,000', 'AUCTION: Saturday 4th Jun @11am On-Site', '$529,000', 'Under Contract', 'Current Bid $650,000', '$659,000', 'Price Guide High $500,000', 'Offers over $405,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $545,000', 'Auction - Wednesday 15th June 2022 at 5.30pm', 'OFFERS OVER $690,000', 'New to Market', 'PRICE GUIDE $1,200,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $510,000', 'Offers Over $750,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $490,000', 'Auction on site', 'Auction 8th June on site', '$320,000', 'Current Bid $490,000', '$665,000', 'AUCTION - Bids from $630K', '$290,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $298,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $690,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $590,000', 'Current Bid - $510,000', 'Offers above $420,000', '$695,000', 'Offers over $285,000', 'Offers over $660,000 considered', '$685,000 ONO', '$950,000', '$498,000', 'Current Bid $740,000', 'Price Guide: $700,000 - $720,000', '$485,000', '$665,000 ONO', 'Auction ON SITE', '$339,000', 'Offers above $399,000', '$735,000', '$975,000', 'Auction Wednesday 1st of June 2022', 'Offers over $725,000', '$610,000', 'Current Bid $500,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $480,000', 'Price Guide: $520,000 - $550,000', 'Offers Over $620,000', '$1,490,000', '$292,000', '$520,000', 'Offers over 295,000', 'Offers over $820,000', 'Offers over $460,000', '$220,000', '$575,000', '$349,000', '$389000', 'JUST LIKE THAT: UNDER CONTRACT PRIOR TO AUCTION', 'OFFERS OVER $760,000', '$630,000', '$300,000', 'Offers Over $300,000', 'Offers over $220,000', 'Offers over $799,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $525,000', '$860,000', 'Accepting Offers Between $275,000 - $295,000', 'Offers over $675,000', 'offers over $1,250,000', '$1,200,000', 'Offers over $850,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $735,000', '$355,700', '$359,000', '$370,990', 'Offers over $700,000', '$729,000 DHA lease $934 pwk', '$620,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $1,100,000', '$595,000', 'Offers Over $859,000', 'OFFERS OVER $800,000', '$450 000', "Offers from mid $800's", 'Mid $500,000 ono', 'Offers Over $600,000', 'Offers over $550,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $209,000', 'Offers over $370,000', 'Offers Over $290,000', 'Offers over $630,000', '$316,000', '$115,000', '$1,400,000', '$418,000', 'OFFERS OVER $780,000', '$460,000 ONO', '$410,000', '$819,000', 'REDUCED to SELL!!!', 'OFFERS OVER $695k', '$339,000 +', 'NEW PRICE $430,000', '$540,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $830,000', 'JUST LIKE THAT: UNDER CONTRACT', '$375,000', '$515,000', 'Offers over $345,000', 'OFFERS OVER $505,000', '$670,000 Negotiable', '$225,000', '$548,000', 'OFFERS OVER 399,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $445,000', '$950000 or nearest Offer', 'PRICE GUIDE $646,000', '$510,000 each unit', 'From $220,000', '$390,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $495,000', '$555,000', '$459,000', 'NEW PRICE $279,000', 'OFFERS OVER $530,000', 'Offers Over $530,000', '$429000', '$389,000', '$589,500', '$165,000', '$355,000', 'Offers over $399,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $330,000', 'Offers invited $440,000', 'Price Guide: $650,000 - $700,000', '$479,000', 'Offers Over $775,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $329,000', 'Offers over $1.2m', '$899,000', 'Offers above $799,000', 'JUST LIKE THAT: UNDER CONTRACT IN 7 DAYS', 'NEW PRICE $639,000', '$499,000 O.N.O', '$1,800,000', 'Offers welcome $695K', 'OVER $900,000', '$345,000 ONO', 'Offers above $859,000', 'Offers over $740,000', '$600,000', 'Offers Over $700,000', 'Offers Over $599,000', '$720,000', 'Range $600,000 - $650,000', 'Reduced Offers Over $330,000', 'Offers over $400,000', 'Offers Over $849,000', 'Offers over $679,000 considered', '$560,000 +', '$319,000', 'OFFERS OVER $750,000', '$334,000', '$460k NEGOTIABLE', '$545,000 ( over 1000sqm of land)', 'PRICE GUIDE $1,090,000', 'Offers Over $620,000 Considered', 'PRICE GUIDE $390,000', 'Overs over $320,000', '$895,000', 'PRICED TO SELL $719,000!', '$149,000', '$789,000', '$457,000', 'offers above $510,000', 'Open to Offers around $499,000', '$650,000 +', '$830 000', 'Offers over $380,000', '$635,000 +', 'Offers Over $199,000', '$289,000 obo', '$499,000 +', 'Offers Over: $499,000', 'Offers over $480,000', 'Offers Over $339,000 Considered', 'Offers Over $340,000', 'OFFERS OVER $490,000', 'Offers Over $500,000 Considered', '$462,500', 'All Reasonable Offers Considered', 'OFFERS OVER $550,000', '$740,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $895,000', 'Offers Over $255,000', 'High $400,000s', 'Offers Over $449,000', '$780,000', '$260,000', '$525,000 - $535,000', 'Offers Over $765,000 Considered', '$849,000', '$770,000', 'Offers over $730,000', 'Offers Over $575,000', 'Offers Over $350,000', 'Offers Over $500,000 will be considered', 'Offers Over $780,000 Invited', 'O/O $750,000', 'Offers Over $295,000', 'From $370,000', 'MASSIVE PRICE REDUCTION!! NOW $277,500', 'Under contract', '$650,000', 'Low - Mid $200,000', 'Offers Over $500,000', '$570000 neg', 'High $500,000 ono', '$345,000 Negotiable', 'PRICE REDUCED - $475,000', '$360,000', '$1,100,000 Duplex Investment', '$409,000', '$470,000 ONO', '$283,000', 'Offers Over $699,000', '$390,000+', '$615,000', '$645,000', '$675,000', 'OFFERS OVER $500,000', 'Offers Over $299,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $260,000', '$545,000', 'Offers over $385,000', 'Price Guide Low $700,000', 'OFFERS OVER $1,200,000', 'Offers invited $539,000', 'Offers over $600,000 Considered', 'Offers Over $499,000', '$1.15m', '$699,000', 'PRICE GUIDE $395,000', 'PRICE DROP $645k', '$3,990,000', 'Offers over $419,000', '$244,000', 'Offers Over $480,000', '$585,000 & $595,000', '$1,550,000', 'Offers Over $630,000', 'Price Guide Mid $300,000', '$469,000', '$299,000 Negotiable', 'OFFERS OVER $415,000', '2 Residence', '$601,000', '$655,000'], dtype=object)
def price(df):
for i in df['price'] :
price_num = re.findall(r'\d+', i)
joined_price = "".join(price_num)
if joined_price != '':
else :
return price_list
df1['price'] = pd.to_numeric(df1['price'])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) File C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\_libs\lib.pyx:2315, in pandas._libs.lib.maybe_convert_numeric() ValueError: Unable to parse string "$435,000" During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [50], in <cell line: 1>() ----> 1 df1['price'] = pd.to_numeric(df1['price']) File C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\tools\, in to_numeric(arg, errors, downcast) 182 coerce_numeric = errors not in ("ignore", "raise") 183 try: --> 184 values, _ = lib.maybe_convert_numeric( 185 values, set(), coerce_numeric=coerce_numeric 186 ) 187 except (ValueError, TypeError): 188 if errors == "raise": File C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\_libs\lib.pyx:2357, in pandas._libs.lib.maybe_convert_numeric() ValueError: Unable to parse string "$435,000" at position 0
def unique_vals_of_cat_cols(df) :
o = (df.dtypes == 'object')
object_cols = o[o].index
for i in object_cols :
print(f"{i} : {df[i].unique()}")
property_type : ['House' 'Apartment' 'Unit' 'Studio' 'Residential Land' 'Block Of Units' 'Townhouse' 'Acreage' 'Duplex/Semi-detached' 'Other' 'Villa' 'Warehouse' 'Lifestyle'] price : ['$435,000' 'Offers Over $320,000' '$310,000' '$259,000' '$439,000' '$825,000' '$820,000' '$369 000' '$455,000' '$280,000' 'Openn Negotiation' 'PRICE GUIDE $439,000' '$775,000' '$625,000' 'Overs Over $599,000 Considered' '$490,000' '$337,500' 'FASTRAK' 'UNDER CONTRACT' 'Offers Over $440,000' '$640,000' '$500,000' '$305,000 +' '$295,000 +' '$795,000' 'Offers Over $950,000' 'Offers Over $485,000' '$250,000' '$549,000' 'Offers over $299,000' '$395,000' '$475,000' 'Contact Agent' 'OFFERS INVITED' '$465,000' 'Current Bid $600,000' 'Offers Over $980,000' '$1,050,000' 'UNDER CONTRACT... MORE PROPERTIES WANTED' '$450,000' '$749,000' '$289,000' 'Offers over $565,000' '$399,000' 'Offers over $469,000' '$649,000' 'Offers Over $499,000 Considered' '$400,000' 'Offers Over $800,000' '$299,000' '$580,000' 'Offers Over $375,000' '$489,000' 'OFFERS OVER $195,000' '$505,000' '$325,000' '$539,000 negotiable' '$180,000' '$145,000' '$215,000' '$865,000' '$369,000' '$350,000' 'Offers over $539,000' '$209,000 Negoticate' '$420,000' '$510,000' '$535,000' '$335,000' 'Penthouse for $850,000' 'Needs to GO! $510,000' '$1,300,000' 'Offers Over $580,000' '$470,000' '$519,000' '$219,000' '$235,000 negotiable' '$315,000' 'Offers over $450,000' 'Negotiable' '$380,000' '$275,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $1,070,000' '$270,000' '$1,100,000' 'CONTACT AGENT' 'Price Guide $550,000' 'Offers over $868,000' '$539,000' 'From $165,000' 'Offers Over: $130,000' '$589,000' 'Offers over $360,000' 'Offers over $430,000' 'Offers over $839,000' '$147 000' 'PRICE GUIDE $795,000' 'Offers Over $430,000' 'Open to offers!' '$555,000 Furnished Pool ,Gym LEASED: $640 per week' 'Offers over $529,000' '$460,000' '$195,000' 'Offers above $479,000' '$295,000' '$370,000 ono' 'Motivated Seller- Offers over $475,000' 'Offers over $520,000' '$449,000' '$525,000' 'Offers over $500,000' 'New Price $595,000' 'Offers Over $190,000' 'Under iContract' 'Negotiable Above 1.5M' '$235,000+' '$389,000.00' '$370,000' '$1,950,000' '$175,000' '$520,000 O.N.O' '$329,000' 'Offers above $559,000' 'Expressions of Interest' '$279,000' 'From $500,000' '$1,250,000' '$800,000' '$280,000 to$300,000' 'Invest Now $455,000' '$450,000 ONO' '$685,000' '$429,000' '$559,000' '$210,000' '$200,000-$250,000' 'Offers over $300,000' '$499,000' 'P.O.A.' '$480,000' 'Awaiting Price Guide' '$440,000' '$200,000 - $220,000' 'offers over $399,000' '$430,000' '$99,950' '$900,000 negotiable' 'Price reduction! $895,000!' '$990,000' 'OFFERS OVER $610,000' '$1,199,000' 'Offers Over $665,000 Considered' 'PRICE GUIDE $575,000' 'Bidding from 700k' 'Bidding from $550,000' 'AUCTION' 'Offers over $1,200,000' 'FOR SALE' 'Offers over $365,000' 'OFFERS OVER $700,000' 'Offers Over: 565000' '$419,000' 'OFFERS OVER $330,000' '$560,000' '$460,000 +' 'PRICE GUIDE $290,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $570,000' '$569,000' '$739,000' 'Offers Over $399,000' 'Auction' '$599,000' '$660,000' 'Offers over $800,000' '$880,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $540,000' 'Offers Over $399,000 Considered' 'OFFERS OVER $370,000' 'Offers Over $500,000 - Offers by 6.30pm 22/6/22' 'OVER $450,000' 'Offers Over $470,000' '$612,300' '$592,000' '$614,000' '$218,000' '$255,000' '$425,000' '$779,000' '$850,000' 'Offers under $340,000' '$570,000' 'Offers Over $285,000' '$470,000 Negotiable' 'Under Offer' '$365,000' '$420,000 +' 'Price guide-$275,000-$325,000' '$269,000' '$750,000' 'Offers above $285,000' 'Expression of Interest' 'UNDER OFFER' '$579,000' 'Expressions Of Interest' 'PRICE GUIDE $530,000' 'JUST LIKE THAT: UNDER CONTRACT IN 5 DAYS' 'PRICE GUIDE $750,000' '$535,000 +' '$629,000' '$275,000 +' 'PROPERTY PREVIEW' 'Offers Over $550,000' '$639,000' 'Offers over $650,000' 'Under Contract' '$385,000' '$550,000' 'Offers over $549,000' 'Offer Over $300,000' '$387,000' '$590,000' 'Offers over $489,000' 'Offers over $569,000' 'Offers Over $435,000 Considered' '$1,650,000' '$293,000' '$495,000' '$875,000 negotiable' 'Auction Action' '$240,000' 'Price Guide $570,000' 'Offers over $685,000' 'Offers over $635,000' 'Auction - Bidding from $700,000' 'AUCTION: Saturday 4th Jun @11am On-Site' '$529,000' 'Under Contract' 'Current Bid $650,000' '$659,000' 'Price Guide High $500,000' 'Offers over $405,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $545,000' 'Auction - Wednesday 15th June 2022 at 5.30pm' 'OFFERS OVER $690,000' 'New to Market' 'PRICE GUIDE $1,200,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $510,000' 'Offers Over $750,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $490,000' 'Auction on site' 'Auction 8th June on site' '$320,000' 'Current Bid $490,000' '$665,000' 'AUCTION - Bids from $630K' '$290,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $298,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $690,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $590,000' 'Current Bid - $510,000' 'Offers above $420,000' '$695,000' 'Offers over $285,000' 'Offers over $660,000 considered' '$685,000 ONO' '$950,000' '$498,000' 'Current Bid $740,000' 'Price Guide: $700,000 - $720,000' '$485,000' '$665,000 ONO' 'Auction ON SITE' '$339,000' 'Offers above $399,000' '$735,000' '$975,000' 'Auction Wednesday 1st of June 2022' 'Offers over $725,000' '$610,000' 'Current Bid $500,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $480,000' 'Price Guide: $520,000 - $550,000' 'Offers Over $620,000' '$1,490,000' '$292,000' '$520,000' 'Offers over 295,000' 'Offers over $820,000' 'Offers over $460,000' '$220,000' '$575,000' '$349,000' '$389000' 'JUST LIKE THAT: UNDER CONTRACT PRIOR TO AUCTION' 'OFFERS OVER $760,000' '$630,000' '$300,000' 'Offers Over $300,000' 'Offers over $220,000' 'Offers over $799,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $525,000' '$860,000' 'Accepting Offers Between $275,000 - $295,000' 'Offers over $675,000' 'offers over $1,250,000' '$1,200,000' 'Offers over $850,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $735,000' '$355,700' '$359,000' '$370,990' 'Offers over $700,000' '$729,000 DHA lease $934 pwk' '$620,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $1,100,000' '$595,000' 'Offers Over $859,000' 'OFFERS OVER $800,000' '$450 000' "Offers from mid $800's" 'Mid $500,000 ono' 'Offers Over $600,000' 'Offers over $550,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $209,000' 'Offers over $370,000' 'Offers Over $290,000' 'Offers over $630,000' '$316,000' '$115,000' '$1,400,000' '$418,000' 'OFFERS OVER $780,000' '$460,000 ONO' '$410,000' '$819,000' 'REDUCED to SELL!!!' 'OFFERS OVER $695k' '$339,000 +' 'NEW PRICE $430,000' '$540,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $830,000' 'JUST LIKE THAT: UNDER CONTRACT' '$375,000' '$515,000' 'Offers over $345,000' 'OFFERS OVER $505,000' '$670,000 Negotiable' '$225,000' '$548,000' 'OFFERS OVER 399,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $445,000' '$950000 or nearest Offer' 'PRICE GUIDE $646,000' '$510,000 each unit' 'From $220,000' '$390,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $495,000' '$555,000' '$459,000' 'NEW PRICE $279,000' 'OFFERS OVER $530,000' 'Offers Over $530,000' '$429000' '$389,000' '$589,500' '$165,000' '$355,000' 'Offers over $399,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $330,000' 'Offers invited $440,000' 'Price Guide: $650,000 - $700,000' '$479,000' 'Offers Over $775,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $329,000' 'Offers over $1.2m' '$899,000' 'Offers above $799,000' 'JUST LIKE THAT: UNDER CONTRACT IN 7 DAYS' 'NEW PRICE $639,000' '$499,000 O.N.O' '$1,800,000' 'Offers welcome $695K' 'OVER $900,000' '$345,000 ONO' 'Offers above $859,000' 'Offers over $740,000' '$600,000' 'Offers Over $700,000' 'Offers Over $599,000' '$720,000' 'Range $600,000 - $650,000' 'Reduced Offers Over $330,000' 'Offers over $400,000' 'Offers Over $849,000' 'Offers over $679,000 considered' '$560,000 +' '$319,000' 'OFFERS OVER $750,000' '$334,000' '$460k NEGOTIABLE' '$545,000 ( over 1000sqm of land)' 'PRICE GUIDE $1,090,000' 'Offers Over $620,000 Considered' 'PRICE GUIDE $390,000' 'Overs over $320,000' '$895,000' 'PRICED TO SELL $719,000!' '$149,000' '$789,000' '$457,000' 'offers above $510,000' 'Open to Offers around $499,000' '$650,000 +' '$830 000' 'Offers over $380,000' '$635,000 +' 'Offers Over $199,000' '$289,000 obo' '$499,000 +' 'Offers Over: $499,000' 'Offers over $480,000' 'Offers Over $339,000 Considered' 'Offers Over $340,000' 'OFFERS OVER $490,000' 'Offers Over $500,000 Considered' '$462,500' 'All Reasonable Offers Considered' 'OFFERS OVER $550,000' '$740,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $895,000' 'Offers Over $255,000' 'High $400,000s' 'Offers Over $449,000' '$780,000' '$260,000' '$525,000 - $535,000' 'Offers Over $765,000 Considered' '$849,000' '$770,000' 'Offers over $730,000' 'Offers Over $575,000' 'Offers Over $350,000' 'Offers Over $500,000 will be considered' 'Offers Over $780,000 Invited' 'O/O $750,000' 'Offers Over $295,000' 'From $370,000' 'MASSIVE PRICE REDUCTION!! NOW $277,500' 'Under contract' '$650,000' 'Low - Mid $200,000' 'Offers Over $500,000' '$570000 neg' 'High $500,000 ono' '$345,000 Negotiable' 'PRICE REDUCED - $475,000' '$360,000' '$1,100,000 Duplex Investment' '$409,000' '$470,000 ONO' '$283,000' 'Offers Over $699,000' '$390,000+' '$615,000' '$645,000' '$675,000' 'OFFERS OVER $500,000' 'Offers Over $299,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $260,000' '$545,000' 'Offers over $385,000' 'Price Guide Low $700,000' 'OFFERS OVER $1,200,000' 'Offers invited $539,000' 'Offers over $600,000 Considered' 'Offers Over $499,000' '$1.15m' '$699,000' 'PRICE GUIDE $395,000' 'PRICE DROP $645k' '$3,990,000' 'Offers over $419,000' '$244,000' 'Offers Over $480,000' '$585,000 & $595,000' '$1,550,000' 'Offers Over $630,000' 'Price Guide Mid $300,000' '$469,000' '$299,000 Negotiable' 'OFFERS OVER $415,000' '2 Residence' '$601,000' '$655,000'] city : ['Darwin City' 'Leanyer' 'Stuart Park' 'Lyons' 'Durack' 'The Narrows' 'Herbert' 'Nightcliff' 'Rapid Creek' 'Woodroffe' 'Driver' 'Humpty Doo' 'Fannie Bay' 'Muirhead' 'Bellamack' 'Wanguri' 'Bakewell' 'Karama' 'Coconut Grove' 'Jingili' 'Gunn' 'Moulden' 'Parap' 'Coolalinga' 'Marrara' 'Woolner' 'Zuccoli' 'Rosebery' 'Anula' 'Virginia' 'Gray' 'Wagaman' 'Farrar' 'Tiwi' 'Berry Springs' 'Malak' 'Bayview' 'Wulagi' 'Millner' 'Larrakeyah' 'Howard Springs' 'Lee Point' 'Alawa' 'Johnston' 'Ludmilla' 'Girraween' 'The Gardens' 'Bees Creek' 'Brinkin' 'Moil' 'Berrimah' 'Knuckey Lagoon' 'Cullen Bay' 'Nakara' 'Rosebery Heights' 'Marlow Lagoon'] product_depth : ['premiere' 'midtier' 'feature' 'standard']
list_of_column = list(df.columns)
categorical = []
num_column = []
for i in list_of_column:
if df[i].dtypes in ['int64','float64']:
property_type object land_size float64 preferred_size float64 price object city object product_depth object bedroom_count float64 bathroom_count float64 parking_count float64 dtype: object
df1['price'] = df1.price.astype(np.int64)
df1['price'] = df1['price'].apply(int)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) File C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\_libs\lib.pyx:2315, in pandas._libs.lib.maybe_convert_numeric() ValueError: Unable to parse string "$435,000" During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [64], in <cell line: 1>() ----> 1 df1['price']=pd.to_numeric(df1.price) 2 df1['price'] = df1.price.astype(np.int64) 3 df1['price'] = df1['price'].apply(int) File C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\tools\, in to_numeric(arg, errors, downcast) 182 coerce_numeric = errors not in ("ignore", "raise") 183 try: --> 184 values, _ = lib.maybe_convert_numeric( 185 values, set(), coerce_numeric=coerce_numeric 186 ) 187 except (ValueError, TypeError): 188 if errors == "raise": File C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\_libs\lib.pyx:2357, in pandas._libs.lib.maybe_convert_numeric() ValueError: Unable to parse string "$435,000" at position 0
df2 = df1.copy()
ordinal_enc = OrdinalEncoder()
df2[categorical] = ordinal_enc.fit_transform(df2[categorical])
def corr(df) :
correlation = df.corr()
mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(correlation , dtype = bool))
plt.figure(figsize = (10,6))
sns.heatmap(correlation , mask = mask , annot = True , linewidth = 1)
features = df2.drop('price', axis = 1)
label = df2['price']
def splitted_data(features, label):
x_train, x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(features,label,test_size = 0.3)
print(f'Shape of x_train: {x_train.shape}')
print(f'Shape of y_train: {y_train.shape}')
print(f'Shape of x_test: {x_test.shape}')
print(f'Shape of y_test: {y_test.shape}')
return x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test
x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = splitted_data(features,label)
Shape of x_train: (624, 8) Shape of y_train: (624,) Shape of x_test: (268, 8) Shape of y_test: (268,)
pred_dict = {}
def model(modelname , x_train , x_test , y_train , y_test) :
model_build = modelname(),y_train)
y_pred = model_build.predict(x_test)
return y_pred
y_pred = model(LinearRegression, x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test)
pred_dict['linear_y_pred'] = y_pred
campare_df = pd.DataFrame()
campare_df['Y_TEST'] = y_test
campare_df['Y_PRED'] = y_pred
RunDate | ||
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | 409.0 | 293.814041 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | 429.0 | 319.285510 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | 483.0 | 293.334806 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | 44.0 | 206.409858 |
2022-05-27 15:54:05 | 483.0 | 149.925062 |
def rmse_func(y_pred,y_test) :
rmse = math.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test,y_pred))
return rmse