This dataset can be used to predict housing prices in Australia.
This dataset can be used to find relationships between housing prices and location.
This dataset can be used to find relationships between housing prices and features such as size, number of bedrooms, and number of bathrooms
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
path = 'C:\\Users\\mahit\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\DSPP\\ML & DL\\Assignments\\JNTUH_ML_DL_assignment_2\\JNTUH ML DL assignment 2\\'
df = pd.read_csv(path+'RealEstateAU_1000_Samples.csv')
index | TID | breadcrumb | category_name | property_type | building_size | land_size | preferred_size | open_date | listing_agency | ... | state | zip_code | phone | latitude | longitude | product_depth | bedroom_count | bathroom_count | parking_count | RunDate | |
0 | 0 | 1350988 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | House | NaN | NaN | NaN | Added 2 hours ago | Professionals - DARWIN CITY | ... | NT | 800 | 08 8941 8289 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
1 | 1 | 1350989 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | Apartment | 171m² | NaN | 171m² | Added 7 hours ago | Nick Mousellis Real Estate - Eview Group Member | ... | NT | 800 | 0411724000 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
2 | 2 | 1350990 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | Unit | NaN | NaN | NaN | Added 22 hours ago | Habitat Real Estate - THE GARDENS | ... | NT | 800 | 08 8981 0080 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
3 | 3 | 1350991 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | House | NaN | NaN | NaN | Added yesterday | Ray White - NIGHTCLIFF | ... | NT | 800 | 08 8982 2403 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
4 | 4 | 1350992 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | Unit | 201m² | NaN | 201m² | Added yesterday | Carol Need Real Estate - Fannie Bay | ... | NT | 800 | 0418885966 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
995 | 995 | 1351983 | Buy>NT>DARWIN | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT ... | House | NaN | 9.17ha | 9.17ha | Under offer | United Realty NT - Parap | ... | NT | 834 | 08 8981 2666 | NaN | NaN | feature | 4.0 | 3.0 | 6.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
996 | 996 | 1351984 | Buy>NT>DARWIN | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT ... | House | 203m² | 600m² | 600m² | NaN | Kassiou Constructions - HOWARD SPRINGS | ... | NT | 836 | 08 89834326 | NaN | NaN | standard | 4.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
997 | 997 | 1351985 | Buy>NT>DARWIN | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT ... | House | 209.6m² | 800m² | 800m² | NaN | Kassiou Constructions - HOWARD SPRINGS | ... | NT | 836 | 08 89834326 | NaN | NaN | standard | 4.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
998 | 998 | 1351986 | Buy>NT>DARWIN | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT ... | House | 180m² | 450m² | 450m² | NaN | Kassiou Constructions - HOWARD SPRINGS | ... | NT | 810 | 08 89834326 | NaN | NaN | standard | 4.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
999 | 999 | 1351987 | Buy>NT>DARWIN | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT ... | Unit | 120m² | NaN | 120m² | NaN | Home Zone NT - DARWIN | ... | NT | 820 | 0418 895 345 | NaN | NaN | feature | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
1000 rows × 27 columns
index | TID | breadcrumb | category_name | property_type | building_size | land_size | preferred_size | open_date | listing_agency | ... | state | zip_code | phone | latitude | longitude | product_depth | bedroom_count | bathroom_count | parking_count | RunDate | |
0 | 0 | 1350988 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | House | NaN | NaN | NaN | Added 2 hours ago | Professionals - DARWIN CITY | ... | NT | 800 | 08 8941 8289 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
1 | 1 | 1350989 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | Apartment | 171m² | NaN | 171m² | Added 7 hours ago | Nick Mousellis Real Estate - Eview Group Member | ... | NT | 800 | 0411724000 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
2 | 2 | 1350990 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | Unit | NaN | NaN | NaN | Added 22 hours ago | Habitat Real Estate - THE GARDENS | ... | NT | 800 | 08 8981 0080 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
3 | 3 | 1350991 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | House | NaN | NaN | NaN | Added yesterday | Ray White - NIGHTCLIFF | ... | NT | 800 | 08 8982 2403 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
4 | 4 | 1350992 | Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY... | Unit | 201m² | NaN | 201m² | Added yesterday | Carol Need Real Estate - Fannie Bay | ... | NT | 800 | 0418885966 | NaN | NaN | premiere | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
5 rows × 27 columns
index | TID | breadcrumb | category_name | property_type | building_size | land_size | preferred_size | open_date | listing_agency | ... | state | zip_code | phone | latitude | longitude | product_depth | bedroom_count | bathroom_count | parking_count | RunDate | |
995 | 995 | 1351983 | Buy>NT>DARWIN | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT ... | House | NaN | 9.17ha | 9.17ha | Under offer | United Realty NT - Parap | ... | NT | 834 | 08 8981 2666 | NaN | NaN | feature | 4.0 | 3.0 | 6.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
996 | 996 | 1351984 | Buy>NT>DARWIN | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT ... | House | 203m² | 600m² | 600m² | NaN | Kassiou Constructions - HOWARD SPRINGS | ... | NT | 836 | 08 89834326 | NaN | NaN | standard | 4.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
997 | 997 | 1351985 | Buy>NT>DARWIN | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT ... | House | 209.6m² | 800m² | 800m² | NaN | Kassiou Constructions - HOWARD SPRINGS | ... | NT | 836 | 08 89834326 | NaN | NaN | standard | 4.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
998 | 998 | 1351986 | Buy>NT>DARWIN | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT ... | House | 180m² | 450m² | 450m² | NaN | Kassiou Constructions - HOWARD SPRINGS | ... | NT | 810 | 08 89834326 | NaN | NaN | standard | 4.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
999 | 999 | 1351987 | Buy>NT>DARWIN | Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT ... | Unit | 120m² | NaN | 120m² | NaN | Home Zone NT - DARWIN | ... | NT | 820 | 0418 895 345 | NaN | NaN | feature | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2022-05-27 15:54:05 |
5 rows × 27 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999 Data columns (total 27 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 index 1000 non-null int64 1 TID 1000 non-null int64 2 breadcrumb 1000 non-null object 3 category_name 1000 non-null object 4 property_type 1000 non-null object 5 building_size 280 non-null object 6 land_size 533 non-null object 7 preferred_size 609 non-null object 8 open_date 302 non-null object 9 listing_agency 1000 non-null object 10 price 1000 non-null object 11 location_number 1000 non-null int64 12 location_type 1000 non-null object 13 location_name 1000 non-null object 14 address 988 non-null object 15 address_1 988 non-null object 16 city 1000 non-null object 17 state 1000 non-null object 18 zip_code 1000 non-null int64 19 phone 1000 non-null object 20 latitude 0 non-null float64 21 longitude 0 non-null float64 22 product_depth 1000 non-null object 23 bedroom_count 967 non-null float64 24 bathroom_count 967 non-null float64 25 parking_count 967 non-null float64 26 RunDate 1000 non-null object dtypes: float64(5), int64(4), object(18) memory usage: 211.1+ KB
index 0 TID 0 breadcrumb 0 category_name 0 property_type 0 building_size 720 land_size 467 preferred_size 391 open_date 698 listing_agency 0 price 0 location_number 0 location_type 0 location_name 0 address 12 address_1 12 city 0 state 0 zip_code 0 phone 0 latitude 1000 longitude 1000 product_depth 0 bedroom_count 33 bathroom_count 33 parking_count 33 RunDate 0 dtype: int64
df = df.drop(['latitude'], axis = 1)
df = df.drop(['longitude'], axis = 1)
df = df.drop(['index'], axis = 1)
df = df.drop(['address'], axis = 1)
df = df.drop(['address_1'], axis = 1)
# Data Encoding
label_encoder = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
df['building_size']= label_encoder.fit_transform(df['building_size'])
array([169, 41, 69, 80, 45, 92, 49, 150, 146, 21, 32, 10, 128, 139, 138, 23, 155, 91, 17, 163, 141, 65, 127, 106, 149, 157, 8, 29, 30, 153, 68, 42, 140, 58, 89, 78, 51, 54, 9, 168, 136, 162, 33, 43, 143, 142, 145, 151, 167, 152, 60, 16, 107, 101, 38, 77, 135, 44, 117, 95, 20, 120, 88, 110, 94, 48, 55, 123, 124, 147, 148, 96, 125, 131, 84, 52, 37, 46, 115, 67, 59, 86, 76, 57, 34, 24, 113, 63, 119, 99, 12, 13, 15, 27, 75, 7, 116, 22, 156, 90, 25, 35, 165, 109, 56, 105, 121, 1, 130, 40, 164, 6, 39, 19, 26, 66, 47, 166, 87, 14, 137, 134, 11, 93, 4, 62, 61, 144, 71, 114, 3, 111, 100, 72, 103, 104, 53, 133, 129, 73, 97, 82, 81, 31, 36, 98, 126, 108, 122, 154, 50, 64, 160, 2, 112, 159, 102, 5, 85, 28, 83, 79, 0, 132, 18, 118, 161, 158, 70, 74])
label_encoder1 = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
df['preferred_size']= label_encoder1.fit_transform(df['preferred_size'])
array([376, 57, 90, 99, 22, 60, 104, 63, 243, 216, 42, 48, 26, 200, 141, 194, 186, 35, 43, 303, 103, 38, 358, 263, 197, 75, 140, 111, 47, 236, 320, 24, 45, 46, 106, 293, 193, 89, 58, 33, 93, 70, 201, 102, 96, 41, 64, 67, 25, 375, 165, 357, 49, 59, 203, 206, 270, 373, 276, 71, 36, 114, 108, 54, 95, 359, 342, 1, 312, 307, 82, 128, 156, 309, 299, 285, 113, 88, 176, 279, 175, 192, 344, 305, 353, 98, 20, 284, 374, 142, 187, 339, 302, 347, 112, 196, 237, 365, 300, 143, 311, 167, 228, 32, 232, 330, 92, 134, 214, 61, 268, 116, 319, 291, 205, 122, 124, 328, 278, 125, 173, 177, 65, 53, 239, 301, 188, 184, 297, 17, 290, 295, 246, 226, 333, 304, 159, 86, 345, 224, 127, 217, 250, 6, 321, 313, 121, 153, 288, 371, 107, 8, 81, 31, 110, 242, 181, 129, 322, 83, 77, 294, 118, 372, 314, 308, 212, 332, 227, 30, 119, 351, 368, 267, 362, 230, 275, 346, 360, 66, 168, 286, 211, 15, 331, 23, 9, 145, 4, 219, 28, 280, 272, 317, 282, 202, 261, 80, 51, 251, 363, 223, 3, 310, 296, 283, 229, 273, 245, 130, 178, 213, 244, 62, 105, 208, 148, 161, 287, 340, 0, 14, 146, 199, 318, 151, 101, 182, 361, 21, 55, 231, 162, 37, 215, 323, 40, 147, 264, 189, 164, 240, 117, 16, 73, 76, 123, 256, 94, 191, 367, 138, 172, 221, 13, 369, 180, 78, 29, 163, 334, 356, 306, 44, 87, 336, 5, 298, 79, 262, 27, 269, 325, 241, 252, 234, 265, 274, 315, 354, 259, 370, 72, 348, 85, 174, 260, 155, 255, 326, 238, 149, 179, 170, 2, 183, 281, 249, 11, 100, 337, 254, 222, 7, 109, 218, 137, 277, 258, 19, 233, 355, 10, 235, 154, 324, 349, 166, 366, 364, 139, 169, 257, 97, 247, 198, 209, 271, 84, 292, 158, 185, 204, 289, 52, 253, 12, 157, 195, 115, 225, 91, 171, 335, 210, 150, 190, 74, 136, 152, 343, 144, 338, 120, 329, 69, 341, 316, 68, 220, 266, 248, 133, 160, 132, 18, 126, 34, 135, 39, 56, 131, 352, 327, 50, 350, 207])
label_encoder2 = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
df['land_size']= label_encoder2.fit_transform(df['land_size'])
array([346, 20, 332, 183, 124, 85, 38, 33, 87, 51, 281, 86, 56, 93, 97, 242, 180, 18, 28, 41, 82, 42, 40, 215, 88, 331, 26, 177, 91, 31, 75, 44, 89, 184, 36, 37, 76, 249, 335, 53, 21, 34, 99, 58, 78, 333, 318, 1, 290, 285, 66, 112, 140, 287, 277, 263, 96, 72, 161, 257, 160, 176, 319, 283, 327, 80, 19, 262, 345, 125, 171, 315, 280, 322, 95, 60, 179, 216, 338, 278, 126, 289, 152, 304, 30, 211, 307, 74, 118, 195, 48, 247, 98, 297, 269, 187, 106, 108, 305, 256, 109, 158, 162, 218, 279, 172, 169, 275, 16, 268, 273, 225, 206, 310, 282, 143, 70, 320, 204, 111, 197, 229, 6, 298, 291, 105, 138, 266, 343, 90, 8, 65, 29, 92, 221, 166, 113, 299, 67, 59, 272, 101, 344, 292, 286, 193, 309, 207, 94, 84, 103, 326, 341, 246, 336, 209, 254, 321, 334, 54, 153, 64, 264, 192, 14, 308, 9, 129, 4, 199, 25, 258, 251, 295, 260, 185, 240, 63, 230, 203, 3, 288, 274, 261, 208, 252, 224, 114, 163, 194, 223, 49, 47, 189, 132, 145, 265, 316, 0, 182, 296, 136, 83, 167, 22, 23, 210, 146, 35, 196, 300, 131, 243, 173, 149, 219, 100, 15, 57, 107, 130, 235, 147, 175, 340, 122, 157, 201, 45, 13, 165, 61, 102, 27, 148, 311, 330, 284, 52, 71, 313, 5, 276, 62, 241, 24, 248, 302, 220, 231, 213, 244, 253, 293, 328, 238, 342, 323, 69, 159, 239, 139, 234, 303, 217, 134, 164, 155, 2, 168, 259, 228, 11, 50, 81, 314, 233, 202, 7, 133, 198, 121, 255, 237, 212, 329, 10, 214, 301, 324, 271, 151, 39, 339, 337, 123, 154, 236, 79, 226, 222, 181, 190, 250, 68, 270, 150, 142, 170, 186, 267, 232, 12, 141, 178, 205, 73, 156, 312, 191, 135, 174, 127, 120, 137, 128, 77, 104, 306, 55, 317, 294, 200, 245, 227, 117, 144, 116, 17, 110, 32, 119, 46, 115, 43, 325, 188])
label_encoder3 = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
df['price']= label_encoder3.fit_transform(df['price'])
array([107, 322, 59, 37, 108, 221, 220, 80, 114, 44, 429, 446, 213, 184, 430, 132, 68, 265, 483, 331, 189, 138, 58, 53, 217, 361, 335, 35, 157, 380, 94, 127, 255, 291, 122, 258, 362, 0, 484, 112, 210, 47, 404, 95, 395, 191, 337, 96, 358, 54, 169, 326, 131, 293, 139, 64, 152, 20, 15, 26, 226, 81, 74, 401, 24, 101, 140, 149, 67, 469, 285, 6, 345, 124, 143, 28, 31, 60, 393, 286, 86, 41, 434, 40, 1, 254, 470, 423, 151, 267, 363, 171, 383, 392, 421, 16, 463, 329, 428, 160, 400, 117, 21, 369, 52, 83, 281, 399, 110, 146, 398, 288, 314, 490, 287, 32, 90, 82, 12, 19, 145, 65, 370, 264, 43, 270, 5, 218, 45, 273, 113, 201, 104, 161, 25, 23, 381, 135, 432, 129, 251, 109, 22, 493, 106, 235, 231, 479, 236, 302, 3, 351, 457, 253, 252, 238, 376, 266, 384, 305, 365, 100, 294, 162, 118, 440, 456, 164, 208, 327, 243, 176, 196, 419, 228, 454, 328, 295, 339, 311, 333, 180, 174, 181, 27, 36, 103, 214, 224, 425, 165, 317, 125, 488, 79, 102, 478, 39, 211, 366, 262, 485, 168, 263, 453, 275, 462, 150, 185, 42, 468, 343, 188, 409, 487, 87, 158, 402, 313, 88, 173, 397, 405, 330, 10, 51, 133, 227, 247, 33, 471, 413, 408, 244, 240, 148, 486, 259, 195, 472, 390, 455, 245, 303, 289, 437, 451, 354, 449, 250, 246, 63, 256, 197, 239, 49, 441, 460, 458, 261, 368, 203, 379, 410, 202, 232, 134, 260, 477, 130, 198, 248, 69, 367, 207, 234, 249, 415, 179, 257, 448, 475, 348, 8, 50, 144, 424, 420, 394, 29, 167, 73, 91, 277, 307, 186, 57, 321, 378, 418, 452, 225, 241, 411, 492, 4, 422, 461, 76, 77, 84, 414, 206, 183, 436, 175, 360, 309, 111, 373, 280, 347, 403, 438, 385, 318, 407, 61, 14, 7, 99, 308, 119, 98, 219, 480, 304, 70, 283, 153, 464, 274, 85, 142, 382, 299, 199, 30, 156, 310, 447, 233, 459, 141, 268, 92, 450, 159, 116, 282, 300, 342, 105, 89, 172, 18, 75, 388, 443, 374, 476, 128, 356, 442, 377, 230, 371, 276, 284, 137, 11, 426, 312, 72, 372, 417, 177, 353, 346, 205, 481, 482, 389, 359, 412, 163, 62, 306, 66, 120, 155, 435, 349, 444, 431, 229, 467, 17, 216, 115, 491, 427, 193, 222, 386, 187, 315, 48, 136, 364, 396, 323, 324, 297, 340, 121, 242, 301, 209, 465, 316, 271, 332, 215, 38, 147, 355, 223, 212, 416, 344, 325, 341, 357, 290, 319, 269, 279, 489, 192, 278, 338, 166, 272, 71, 466, 78, 2, 97, 126, 46, 352, 93, 182, 190, 200, 298, 320, 439, 154, 387, 473, 292, 375, 406, 336, 13, 204, 445, 433, 56, 391, 34, 334, 170, 9, 350, 474, 123, 55, 296, 237, 178, 194])
open__date = {'Under offer':0, 'Added 1 hour ago':1, 'Added 2 hours ago':2, 'Added 4 hours ago':3, 'Added 5 hours ago':4, 'Added 6 hours ago':5, 'Added 9 hours ago':6, 'Added 23 hours ago':7, 'Added yesterday':8, 'Added 2 days ago':9, 'Added 3 days ago':10, 'Added 4 days ago':11, 'Added 6 days ago':12, 'Added 7 hours ago': 13, 'Added 22 hours ago':14}
df['open_date'] = df['open_date'].replace(open__date)
# Data Imputation
df['bedroom_count'].fillna(df['bedroom_count'].median(),inplace = True)
df['bathroom_count'].fillna(df['bathroom_count'].median(),inplace = True)
df['parking_count'].fillna(df['parking_count'].median(),inplace = True)
df['open_date'].fillna(df['open_date'].mean(),inplace = True)
df['building_size'].fillna(df['building_size'].mean(),inplace = True)
df['land_size'].fillna(df['land_size'].mean(),inplace = True)
df['preferred_size'].fillna(df['preferred_size'].mean(),inplace = True)
TID 0 breadcrumb 0 category_name 0 property_type 0 building_size 0 land_size 0 preferred_size 0 open_date 0 listing_agency 0 price 0 location_number 0 location_type 0 location_name 0 city 0 state 0 zip_code 0 phone 0 product_depth 0 bedroom_count 0 bathroom_count 0 parking_count 0 RunDate 0 dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999 Data columns (total 22 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 TID 1000 non-null int64 1 breadcrumb 1000 non-null object 2 category_name 1000 non-null object 3 property_type 1000 non-null object 4 building_size 1000 non-null int32 5 land_size 1000 non-null int32 6 preferred_size 1000 non-null int32 7 open_date 1000 non-null float64 8 listing_agency 1000 non-null object 9 price 1000 non-null int32 10 location_number 1000 non-null int64 11 location_type 1000 non-null object 12 location_name 1000 non-null object 13 city 1000 non-null object 14 state 1000 non-null object 15 zip_code 1000 non-null int64 16 phone 1000 non-null object 17 product_depth 1000 non-null object 18 bedroom_count 1000 non-null float64 19 bathroom_count 1000 non-null float64 20 parking_count 1000 non-null float64 21 RunDate 1000 non-null object dtypes: float64(4), int32(4), int64(3), object(11) memory usage: 156.4+ KB
categorical = df.select_dtypes(include = "object").columns
for i in categorical:
Buy>NT>DARWIN 816 Buy>NT>DARWIN CITY 184 Name: breadcrumb, dtype: int64 ________________________________________ Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN, NT 0801 816 Real Estate & Property for sale in DARWIN CITY, NT 0800 184 Name: category_name, dtype: int64 ________________________________________ House 441 Unit 230 Apartment 212 Townhouse 38 Residential Land 33 Duplex/Semi-detached 19 Acreage 9 Block Of Units 6 Other 4 Villa 4 Studio 2 Warehouse 1 Lifestyle 1 Name: property_type, dtype: int64 ________________________________________ Real Estate Central - DARWIN CITY 113 Elders Real Estate - Darwin 62 Elders Real Estate - Palmerston 53 Raine & Horne - Darwin 48 First National Real Estate O'Donoghues - Darwin 41 ... Ellis Parker Real Estate - LARRAKEYAH 1 Dunvegan Real Estate - PALMERSTON 1 Australian Home Partners 1 buymyplace 1 Mercury Real Estate 1 Name: listing_agency, Length: 85, dtype: int64 ________________________________________ Buy 1000 Name: location_type, dtype: int64 ________________________________________ UNDER CONTRACT 100 Openn Negotiation 19 FASTRAK 15 Under Contract 11 UNDER OFFER 9 ... PRICE GUIDE $490,000 1 PRICE GUIDE $510,000 1 New to Market 1 OFFERS OVER $690,000 1 $655,000 1 Name: location_name, Length: 494, dtype: int64 ________________________________________ Darwin City 285 Stuart Park 39 Rosebery 37 Bakewell 31 Durack 30 Zuccoli 29 Woodroffe 27 Nightcliff 27 Driver 26 Parap 26 Rapid Creek 25 Bellamack 23 Humpty Doo 20 Johnston 20 Leanyer 19 Gunn 19 Gray 19 Karama 16 Moulden 15 Howard Springs 15 Berrimah 15 Bayview 14 Fannie Bay 14 Farrar 12 Coconut Grove 12 Muirhead 12 The Gardens 11 Lyons 10 Millner 10 Woolner 9 Jingili 9 Herbert 9 Tiwi 9 Larrakeyah 9 Ludmilla 7 Alawa 7 Anula 7 Wagaman 7 Malak 7 Wulagi 6 Virginia 6 Brinkin 6 Wanguri 6 Berry Springs 6 Moil 5 Lee Point 4 Nakara 4 Marrara 3 Coolalinga 3 Girraween 3 Bees Creek 3 Cullen Bay 3 The Narrows 1 Knuckey Lagoon 1 Rosebery Heights 1 Marlow Lagoon 1 Name: city, dtype: int64 ________________________________________ NT 1000 Name: state, dtype: int64 ________________________________________ 08 8943 3000 146 08 8946 0500 62 08 8931 5000 53 08 8941 8941 48 08 8942 8942 41 ... 0476448709 1 08 8941 1970 1 0408 952 595 1 0889481153 1 0449636436 1 Name: phone, Length: 84, dtype: int64 ________________________________________ premiere 659 feature 172 standard 162 midtier 7 Name: product_depth, dtype: int64 ________________________________________ 2022-05-27 15:54:05 1000 Name: RunDate, dtype: int64 ________________________________________
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x232ff0a5460>
plt.figure(figsize = (7, 4))
plt.scatter(df['bedroom_count'],df['price'],s=30,alpha=1,color= 'g')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x23280114850>
plt.figure(figsize = (7, 4))
plt.xlabel('Bathroom Count')
plt.scatter(df['bathroom_count'],df['price'],s=30,alpha=1,color= 'y')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x23280187790>
plt.figure(figsize = (7, 4))
plt.xlabel('Bedroom Count')
plt.scatter(df['bedroom_count'],df['price'],s=30,alpha=1,color= 'r')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x23280150520>
plt.figure(figsize = (7, 4))
plt.xlabel('Parking Count')
plt.scatter(df['parking_count'],df['price'],s=30,alpha=1,color= 'c')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x232802542e0>
plt.figure(figsize = (7, 4))
plt.scatter(df['category_name'],df['price'],s=30,alpha=1,color= 'k')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x232802b5b20>
plt.figure(figsize = (20, 6))
plt.xlabel('Property type')
plt.scatter(df['property_type'],df['price'],s=30,alpha=1,color= 'b')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x232812dccd0>
plt.figure(figsize = (15, 6))
plt.xlabel('Land Size')
plt.scatter(df['land_size'],df['price'],s=30,alpha=1,color= 'g')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x2328134fe20>
plt.figure(figsize = (15, 6))
plt.xlabel('Building Size')
plt.scatter(df['building_size'],df['price'],s=30,alpha=1,color= 'y')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x23281589be0>
plt.figure(figsize = (15, 6))
plt.xlabel('Preferred Size')
plt.scatter(df['preferred_size'],df['price'],s=30,alpha=1,color= 'c')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x23281905a00>
object_data = df.select_dtypes(include=['object'])
#to convert data of object type to numbers
encoder = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
for i in range(object_data.shape[1]):
object_data.iloc[:, i] = encoder.fit_transform(object_data.iloc[:, i])
#concat between data none object and data object after convert it
num_data = df.select_dtypes(exclude=['object'])
df = pd.concat([object_data, num_data], axis=1)
x = df.iloc[:, 0:22]
y = df.iloc[:, 16:17]
x = x.drop(['price'], axis = 1)
breadcrumb | category_name | property_type | listing_agency | location_type | location_name | city | state | phone | product_depth | ... | TID | building_size | land_size | preferred_size | open_date | location_number | zip_code | bedroom_count | bathroom_count | parking_count | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 56 | 0 | 107 | 12 | 0 | 39 | 2 | ... | 1350988 | 169 | 346 | 376 | 2.000000 | 139468611 | 800 | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 49 | 0 | 322 | 12 | 0 | 7 | 2 | ... | 1350989 | 41 | 346 | 57 | 13.000000 | 139463755 | 800 | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
2 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 35 | 0 | 59 | 12 | 0 | 52 | 2 | ... | 1350990 | 169 | 346 | 376 | 14.000000 | 139462495 | 800 | 2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
3 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 63 | 0 | 37 | 12 | 0 | 57 | 2 | ... | 1350991 | 169 | 346 | 376 | 8.000000 | 139451679 | 800 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 |
4 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 12 | 0 | 108 | 12 | 0 | 15 | 2 | ... | 1350992 | 69 | 346 | 90 | 8.000000 | 139433803 | 800 | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
995 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 78 | 0 | 237 | 49 | 0 | 53 | 0 | ... | 1351983 | 169 | 325 | 350 | 0.000000 | 138346247 | 834 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 6.0 |
996 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 41 | 0 | 178 | 22 | 0 | 65 | 3 | ... | 1351984 | 70 | 188 | 207 | 2.592715 | 138333062 | 836 | 4.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
997 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 41 | 0 | 194 | 22 | 0 | 65 | 3 | ... | 1351985 | 74 | 262 | 284 | 2.592715 | 138333058 | 836 | 4.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
998 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 41 | 0 | 200 | 29 | 0 | 65 | 3 | ... | 1351986 | 48 | 160 | 175 | 2.592715 | 138333050 | 810 | 4.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 |
999 | 0 | 1 | 10 | 37 | 0 | 95 | 45 | 0 | 14 | 0 | ... | 1351987 | 12 | 346 | 30 | 2.592715 | 138330946 | 820 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
1000 rows × 21 columns
price | |
0 | 107 |
1 | 322 |
2 | 59 |
3 | 37 |
4 | 108 |
... | ... |
995 | 237 |
996 | 178 |
997 | 194 |
998 | 200 |
999 | 95 |
1000 rows × 1 columns
# Data Normalizing
array([[1. , 0. , 0.33333333, ..., 0.22222222, 0. , 0.08333333], [1. , 0. , 0.08333333, ..., 0.33333333, 0.25 , 0.16666667], [1. , 0. , 0.83333333, ..., 0.22222222, 0. , 0.08333333], ..., [0. , 1. , 0.33333333, ..., 0.44444444, 0.25 , 0.16666667], [0. , 1. , 0.33333333, ..., 0.44444444, 0.25 , 0.25 ], [0. , 1. , 0.83333333, ..., 0.22222222, 0.25 , 0.16666667]])
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, train_size=0.8, random_state=100, shuffle =True)
dtc_clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(),y_train)
y_pred = dtc_clf.predict(x_test)
print('Decision Train Score is : ' , dtc_clf.score(x_train, y_train))
print('Decision Test Score is : ' , dtc_clf.score(x_test, y_test))
Decision Train Score is : 1.0 Decision Test Score is : 0.505
MSEValue = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred, multioutput='raw_values')
print('Mean Squared Error Value is : ', np.sqrt(MSEValue))
Mean Squared Error Value is : [26.46157592]
GBRModel = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=100,max_depth=10,learning_rate = 0.5 ,random_state=44), y_train)
print('GBRModel Train Score is : ' , GBRModel.score(x_train, y_train))
print('GBRModel Test Score is : ' , GBRModel.score(x_test, y_test))
GBRModel Train Score is : 1.0 GBRModel Test Score is : 0.9999411939994095
y_pred = GBRModel.predict(x_test)
MSEValue = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred, multioutput='raw_values')
print('Mean Squared Error Value is : ', np.sqrt(MSEValue))
Mean Squared Error Value is : [1.24858626]
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
rmf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=10, random_state=2)
rmf_clf =, y_train)
print('RFC Train Score is : ', rmf_clf.score(x_train, y_train))
print('RFC Test Score is : ', rmf_clf.score(x_test, y_test))
RFC Train Score is : 0.99125 RFC Test Score is : 0.265
y_pred = rmf_clf.predict(x_test)
MSEValue = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred, multioutput='raw_values')
print('Mean Squared Error Value is : ', np.sqrt(MSEValue))
Mean Squared Error Value is : [94.72338676]
pipe_rf = Pipeline([('scl', MinMaxScaler()),
('clf', RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42))])
pipe_dt = Pipeline([('scl', StandardScaler()),
('clf', DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=42))])
pipe_gbr = Pipeline([('scl', MinMaxScaler()),
('clf', GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state=42))])
pipelines = [pipe_rf, pipe_dt, pipe_gbr]
Pipeline(steps=[('scl', StandardScaler()), ('clf', DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=42))])
pipe_dict = {0: 'Random Forest Classifier', 1: 'Decision Tree', 2: 'Gradient Boosting'}
for pipe in pipelines:, y_train)
for idx, val in enumerate(pipelines):
print('%s pipeline test accuracy: %.2f' %
(pipe_dict[idx], val.score(x_test, y_test)))
Random Forest Classifier pipeline test accuracy: 0.30 Decision Tree pipeline test accuracy: 0.49 Gradient Boosting pipeline test accuracy: 1.00
best_acc = 0.0
best_clf = 0
best_pipe = ''
for idx, val in enumerate(pipelines):
if val.score(x_test, y_test) > best_acc:
best_acc = val.score(x_test, y_test)
best_pipe = val
best_clf = idx
print('Classifier with best accuracy: %s' % pipe_dict[best_clf])
Classifier with best accuracy: Gradient Boosting