To perform text classification of news articles using NLP, you can follow the following steps: Data Collection: Collect the BBC News corpus that consists of news articles from different categories like tech, business, sport, entertainment, and politics. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Clean and preprocess the data to remove unnecessary information, like special characters, punctuations, stop words, and perform stemming or lemmatization. Feature Extraction: Extract relevant features from the preprocessed text data using techniques like Bag of Words, TF-IDF, Word Embedding, etc. Model Training: Train a classification model using any of the algorithms like Naive Bayes, SVM, Logistic Regression, or Neural Networks. Model Evaluation: Evaluate the performance of the trained model using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Here's an example Python code for text classification of news articles using the BBC News corpus: # Import required libraries import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB from sklearn.metrics import classification_report # Load the dataset bbc_news = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\HP\Desktop\bbc_news.csv') # Split the data into train and test sets X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(bbc_news['Article'], bbc_news['Category'], test_size=0.2, random_state=42) print(x_train) # Vectorize the text data using TF-IDF tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer() X_train_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train) X_test_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform(X_test) # Train a Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier classifier = MultinomialNB(), y_train) # Predict the categories for test data y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test_tfidf) # Evaluate the performance of the classifier print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred)) This code loads the BBC News corpus, splits it into train and test sets, vectorizes the text data using TF-IDF, trains a Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier, and evaluates its performance using classification report.